I got a call a couple hours after leaving the office - in the middle of a much needed nap - and the girl on the other end informed me that I was "VERY pregnant!" and I was full awake from my nap! After a bunch of "REALLY? REALLY!" on my end she told me that anything under 5 mIU/ml of hCg is considered negative and I had over 200 which puts me firmly in the 4 week category (see THIS for reference) just like I thought! I have to go back on Monday for another blood test to ensure that my hCg has increased by at least 66% to ensure that the embryo is continuing to grow and develop. Pending the results of THAT test I will have an ultrasound in 2 weeks (so between May 23-27) where they will check fetal growth and I will get to hear a HEARTBEAT. Yes. You read that right. HEARTBEAT. At
After I get to the heartbeat appointment - and if the Doctor is satisfied with Bebe's development - I will have fond farewell's bid to me and be sent off to my OB/GYN for the remainder of my pregnancy. Yay for plans! Yay for being very pregnant!
Today, symptom wise, I am exhausted. Though considering my sleep last night? Not surprised. I also have some low achey cramps which my paranoia that something is wrong has led me to research in order to find out it is my uterus beginning to stretch to prepare for Bebe. Strangely, sleeping on my right side is super uncomfortable and so I'm resigned to sleeping on my left. I am definitely noticing an increase in peeing but I also attribute this to me increasing my fluid intake. No morning sickness yet! I'm sort of anticipating it in the same way you anxiously anticipate finals. You don't want to go through it, but you know you have to, so let's just prepare and get it over with.

Yessssss! This is so exciting! You are REALLY pregnant! Yaaaaaaay! The low achey cramps are the WORST. I'm so glad we get to be pregnant together even if I'm only going to be pregnant for 9 more weeks because you're the only other person alive as paranoid and neurotic as I am. I made myself so neurotic and anxious that I now have to monitor my blood pressure twice a day, take stress tests and promise to remove myself from all stressful situations, haha. And my doctor made me promise to never, ever google any symptom I'm having EVER no matter what. Ack! Hahahaha. On my 6 week appt., we weren't able to detect a heartbeat and my doctor was all "oh, it's early. come back next week!" and I just sobbed for days. Lo and behold, there was a heartbeat next week and I was just earlier than I thought. I don't get how people AREN'T neurotic about these things! Right?!
ReplyDeleteYAY!!!! for you being really pregnant! This seriously made my whole weekend.
Oh, and invest in a SNOOGLE pillow. Not only did it help me sleep comfortably on my left, but it's the only way I can sleep from the 2nd trimester on. It'll be your new BFF. Seriously.
IT IS EXCITING!!! And reading your blog has definitely helped calm me down some because I remember reading your back blogs about not hearing the heartbeat early and so I'm like "if I don't hear it it doesn't mean anything yet. It could be early. BREATHE." and Jason keeps shaking his head at me when I'm like "I have a cramp is this NORMAL? Am I okay?!" I don't think I'm going to be able to breathe normally until that second trimester.
ReplyDeleteYour blogs are also awesome because now when Jason goes "isn't it too early for [insert symptom]?" I can go "NO Lindsay was [this that and the other thing] so ha!"
I HAVE HEARD OF THOSE. I will look into it. Because I am seriously annoyed at not being able to sleep on my right or on my stomach without it aching. Thanks!!