Friday, August 17, 2012

7 Month Update

I feel like in the past month Lila has become an entirely different baby. For one thing she is mobile. Last month she was shimmying in her wounded army crawl, but now she is full on ALL OVER THE PLACE. She just doesn't stay still for a second! Now that she's got her independence she's just seemed to blossom. Watch out world, Lila's on the move! She's also started solids this past month and that's a big milestone. No longer is my milk the only thing sustaining her, but at 6:30 pm every night she gets to play around with different tastes and textures (or once a week she gets a new taste and texture). So far she's eaten Sweet Potatoes, Rice Cereal, Apples and Oatmeal Cereal. Next weeks she gets Butternut Squash and the week after is Avocado! My freezer is full of food ice cubes I've pureed! She's gotten earrings and professional photos as well. So much!!

Weight: 16 1/2 lbs
Height: IDK
Head Size: IDK

Milestones: Pulls up on furniture and legs and walls and any surface she can find, cruises, balances with only 1 hand holding on, sits up on knees and balances on own, crawls on knees, crawls on one knee and one foot, eats 4 type of solid foods one time a day, earrings (not a technical milestone, but I care, lol), she still wakes up once (or twice) at night for a bottle (ugh), she is babbling a LOT more with definite sounds and syllables but none that actually mean anything (I have heard 'mama' and 'baba' and 'dada' but Jason and I both agree that they were random and not with purpose). I fully expect her to be walking in the next month or two :(

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

6 month update

My baby turned half a year old at 10:56pm. How did this happen? Wasn't it a minute ago I was holding a newborn and crying that she was safe in my arms? A day ago that I was feeling her kick? A week ago that I saw those two lines? Now she is 6 months old, halfway to a year, and she's becoming her own person with her own personality and I'm trying to keep the world from turning so I can have just one more second of her curled up sleeping in my arms before she decides she's too big for that anymore.

Weight: IDK, we visit the Dr next week when we get home.
Height: ^
Head: ^

Milestones: Army crawling at the speed of light or close to it without being hindered by silly things like pillows or walls, pushes self to a sitting position from belly, cut first tooth, gives "kisses" (aka, she opens her mouth wide and face plants onto my face) when I ask for kissies and pucker my lips. She's also pretty steady at sitting up and can stay that way for quite awhile. She still loves to stand and has gotten more persistent with trying to reach things to pull herself up on and can do it very easily if you give her your fingers to hold onto. Grasping objects and pulling them towards her are old hat. She's doing a lot of baby babble but no 'dada' or 'mama' yet (when she is hysterical I sometimes think I hear 'mama' but I refuse to believe that's real), though she says 'I-ya' a lot which might be her name? IDK, she knows her name since she turns when she hears it and we say it all the freaking time so it could be. She's very independent though and doesn't want to be held and cuddled (SAD FACE INSERTED HERE) but just wants to crawl and explore on her own. I'm proud and heartbroken. I'm sure those two feelings will just increase with time.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

On an island in the sun we'll be playin' and havin' fun

It was about this time last year when I first started hearing the sentence I would end up hearing thousands of times over the course of the year from my husband: "I can't wait to take the baby to Washington Island." It altered of course as the year went on. "I can't wait to take our daughter..." "I can't wait to take Lila..." but the message was still the same. Washington Island Wisconsin is my Jason's favorite place in the entire world, so his excitement at the prospect of sharing his favorite place with his new favorite person has been unquenchable and has only grown exponentially as the year continued. He has been going since he was a baby, so the idea of bringing his baby here has been something that he has really been looking forward to. As summer came closer the sentence became much more frequent. Eventually, that week before we left, everything he said to Lila somehow was related to Washington Island, Boats, Fishing or Ice Cream.

Eventually June 30th came and we packed up our car and cooler and trailer hitch (to haul a bag filled with Lila's stroller, walker, travel high chair and play mat) and way too many suit cases and started the long... long... long car trip from Orlando to North Eastern Wisconsin. Now, Lila is an excellent road tripper. But even she has her limits, especially since she's a super mobile and active infant. I still maintain that for being 6 months old she did remarkably well and we made it all the way to Murfreesboro Tennessee (severe heat wave central) in 9 hours. Not bad!! She was so happy to be free she rolled and crawled all over the bed for a few hours before she finally relented and went to sleep. The next day she had less patience and we had to make a couple extended stops to let her play (fortunately it helped us miss the insane storms over Chicago by minutes), and Jason had to whistle every song he knew the last 20 minutes of our car ride to keep her distracted, but we made it to Milwaukee and Aunt Amanda!! She got a lot of kisses and I got Macaroni and Cheese Pizza from Ian's. I know, it sounds crazy. But sometimes when 2 perfect foods meet it is a match made in heaven and this is one of those cases. Insert a fond sigh here.

The next morning Jason was up at like, 5 am and if it wasn't sweltering I might have wondered if it was Christmas. We left around 7 and picked up some groceries and had lunch at Culver's (fried cheese curds! cement mixers!) and then, at long last, took "a magical ride to a magical place" on the Washington Island Ferry. Jason put Lila in his carrier so he could wonder about and point out everything and anything to her. Lila, of course, thought this was the end of the carseat. NOT SO. And she was quite displeased when we strapped her back in to get off the ferry and drive the 5 minutes to Nana and Grandpa's house. But once there she was FREE and very very pleasant to everyone because of that fact. She played. She smiled. She showed everyone that after 5 and a half months she had finally figured out she had a tongue. Daddy took her down to the water and had A Moment. And that night she slept excellently.

Today (it's still the 3rd, I'm on CST, HA) was action packed for her. She played a lot while Daddy, Grandpa and Uncle Red went fishing (and caught a bunch of bass!!) and when they came back we decided to take Lila out for her first boat ride!! So we put on her new cloth swim diaper (the only cloth diaper I brought, lol), put some sunscreen on her (finally), and fitted her with her lifejacket and UV hat and off we went! At first she was a little unsure but once she was convinced that Daddy enjoyed it then she enjoyed it too!! We pulled into Pedersens Bay where the water was shallow (and chilly!) and my little water baby floated and stood and sat and stared at all the little minnows who gathered around to investigate us. Then had a bottle in the boat and fell straight into a nap while Daddy and Grandpa caught MORE fish! Very productive trip.

Once home she got a quick shower to get rid of the sunscreen and lake water and dressed up to go into town. Well, town after some FaceTime with Besta. Burger Night is every Tuesday at one of the restaurants up here, so we decided to try our travel high chair out at it since she sits up so well now and it worked like a charm! By the end of burgers Lila was channeling her time change and was ready to break down so we went home to change her, give her one last walk down to see the water, and she was asleep before her head hit the sheets.

What an active first vacation day for her! But she is doing amazing and adjusts so well to all the changes in her routine, so I couldn't be any more proud of her. I hope she does just as well for her first fireworks tomorrow!!

Monday, June 18, 2012

5 month update

Yesterday, Father's Day, Lila became a 5 month old. 5 months!! That's almost half a year already. This is madness.

Weight: 14 lbs 8 oz
Height: I don't know, no pediatrician visit this month.
Head: Same as above

Milestones: Can now sit up unsupported without bracing herself for a several minutes (about 10-15 if she is playing with something). Crawls backwards short distance. Crawls very very short distances forward. Holds feet constantly (especially for diaper changes, she's helpful that way). Separation anxiety (she will sometimes scream when other people who aren't Jason and I talk to her or try to hold her). Recognizes her name. "Kisses" people.

She's done things like bracing feet, standing while holding onto an object, dragging objects towards her, mouthing objects and her own hands, passing objects from hand to hand, etc for a few months now. I am preparing myself for her to start crawling for real this month and it's such a scary possibility.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Jason's First Dada's Day!

Today was a really important day for Jason (and Lila): Father's Day! Or, as we were calling it all day in an attempt to try and pull out that cliched first word, "Dada Day!" It didn't get Lila to conjure up her vocabulary skills, but it did make her smile pretty wide, so that's a trade off I suppose. We had a very laid back and relaxed 'Dada Day,' nothing crazy or fancy. Jason got his gift last month, actually. He's been talking about the Star Wars Blu Ray disc set since before it even came out, so I already knew I was going to get them for him. Then, on Star Wars Day (May 4th), they had the set drastically discounted and he came up to me with puppy dog eyes going "Katie... it's on sale... and it won't ever be this low again... and and and" so I said *sigh* "It was going to be your Father's Day present, but I guess we can get it early..." and it made his whole month. But I couldn't leave him with nothing to open! So I got a couple little picture frames and some photos of Lila and him to put on his desk at work. And, the best thing, I found Star Wars Cookie Cutters! So last night I made a batch of sugar cookie dough and put it in the fridge and when Lila woke me up at 6 am I fed her and began rolling, cutting and baking. Jason's been asking for sugar cookies so when he came out of the bedroom he said it smelled like Christmas and has been chowing down on edible Death Stars and other ships all day.

So as to not only eat cookies all day (even if they resemble the Millennium Falcon), Jason made an excellent pot roast with a bunch of veggies. Why didn't I make him this pot roast? Simple. He's about a billion times better at any cooking involving meat than I am and he wanted a good pot roast! We had a nice day though. Rolling around on the floor with Lila and watching her trying to figure out this crawling ridiculousness that she just can't seem to get the hang of (thank goodness) and a watching of Empire Strikes Back to finish up the day (why Empire? Simple! Because today is all about Fathers! Yes, even the Sith ones, Luke). There was a lot of "Lila... I am your father..." references and Lila eventually passed out on him and slept until I put her in her crib for the night.

So I suppose I should get sappy here? I've never had any doubt that Jason was going to be an amazing daddy. Just watching him play with the cats (as in actually get on their level and chase them on his hands and knees) and interact with other babies and children it was obvious. And he hasn't disappointed in the slightest. I couldn't have imagined or preconceived of a more perfect and wonderful father for my child(ren) than him. From the moment she was born he has been hands on and involved in her. From changing all of her meconium diapers (she had a lot of them) and even her blow outs these days. He manicures her nails and dresses her and reads her stories at bedtime and makes her entire face light up in a huge smile with just the sound of his voice. But, most importantly, I know he loves her unconditionally and would do absolutely anything for her (and me). It just makes me love him even more ever day.

Happy First 'Dada Day' of many, Jason! Lila and I are so unbelievably grateful to have you in our lives.

Lila with here present to her Daddy!

Handing daddy his Blu Rays

Blu Ray set, pictures, and cards! One from Lila and one from me

Tracing the hand of a squirmy 5 month old is very difficult, don't judge the trace, lol!! This is how Lila signed her card!

Star Wars Cookie Cutters

Sprinkled with sugar and ready to bake!

Fresh out of the oven

Close up on the four shapes.

Settling in to watch the movie.

And she's down for the count!

Lila also turned 5 months today, but I'll do her 5 month update tomorrow. Don't want to steal her daddy's thunder!

Friday, May 25, 2012

I tuck you in and turn on your favorite nightlight.

Last night was a big step for us. Lila slept in her nursery, by herself. When I was pregnant we'd decided that at 4 months we would begin thinking about transitioning Lila out of our room (depending, of course, on numerous factors). So when 4 months came along we did that. She's sleeping clear through the night with no wake ups for feeding or changing. She was sleeping easily in her Co-Sleeper and not having to fall asleep in bed with us before being moved. She is drinking expressed milk from a bottle and not nursing so I don't pull her into bed with me in the morning to nurse. All in all, it was a pretty perfect scenario for this big move. The only thing we were missing? A video monitor.

When I was expecting I had given Jason the job of finding us a monitor since he was the resident electronic expert. Haha. This is probably why at 4 months old Lila still didn't have a monitor. So a couple months ago I started looking for options to give to him for him to decide on. After looking up just about every baby monitor there is and comparing prices and reading review after review after review, I settled on 2 choices with a HUGE price difference. But also a rather large difference in reviews. In the end, we decided on the more expensive 3.5" Motorola MBP36 Remote Wireless Video Baby Monitor with Infrared Night Vision and Zoom. I had a 20% off coupon and a $25 gift card so we got the one with 2 cameras at BrU which equaled out to the same price as the 1 camera one on Amazon. This way we can have 1 camera permanently mounted in the nursery and use the other camera for travel purposes. This monitor has literally everything I could ever ask or hope for in a baby monitor. It has a better connection (2.4GHz) than most of the other wireless monitors (900MHz) as well as offering 2 way communication.
I can hear everything in her room and I can talk to her through my monitor if I need to. Jason and I tried it out from across the house and it worked beautifully. It also has a 3.5" color screen for daytime (and I can zoom, tilt and pan with my monitor) and it switches to Night Vision automatically when the light is low. The night vision is great as well, and I could very clearly see her moving when she dreamed. The top of the monitor has 5 LED lights that correspond with sound so if you have the volume off for one reason or another you can SEE the level of sound by how many lights are blinking. The monitor even has a temperature reading as well so you can make sure the room isn't too hot or too cold for your baby (and in FL where it gets super hot this is really useful!). And, even though we likely won't use these since Lila really likes the whales on her Sleep Sheep, the monitor and camera have 5 lullabies built in that you can choose from your monitor to play over her camera. So cool!

Okay, now that I'm done pimping the virtues of the Motorola Monitor, let me continue. So we went to BrU yesterday evening and picked up our monitor and came back to the house to set it up and move things out of our room and back to hers (like the changing station and clothes and blankets). My room seems so empty now without all her stuff, and her room feels like a nursery again. She'd fallen asleep in her swing while we were doing this, but when we finished I scooped her out and swaddled her up and she was WIDE awake again. Which made for some cute pictures, as you can see. She was FASCINATED. Since she has taken a few naps in there she wasn't entirely unfamiliar with her nursery, but her eyes were glued to the bunny mobile. After taking a few pictures we removed the bumpers (so don't freak out that I let her sleep alone in there with bumpers, Mom) and put them away and I set about folding her diapers and putting them in the diaper stacker which finally has use now, and by the time I had finished she was passed out once again. So I stared at her for a few minutes, kissed her goodnight, turned off the lights, checked for cats, and closed the door to let my baby sleep on her own without me.

As you can imagine, I was glued to the monitor from the second I left that bedroom. Every grunt and I was grabbing it and checking it and asking Jason if she was okay and are we sure this is the right move and what if she needs me?! And he was just like "... Katie. She's fine. You didn't do this when she was in our bedroom with the door closed. Relax." Which was true, and ridiculous of me, but it's just such a big step!! So I tried to calm down and watch Green lantern with Jason (it was on HBO On Demand). Then I pumped (and watched the monitor) and washed and refilled all my bottles and parts (and watched the monitor), and went to bed (and watched the monitor) and I must have fallen asleep because I woke up feeling as though I was run over by a truck and Lila was grunting and shimmying on the monitor so Jason fetched her and that was my first night not in the same room as my baby! It was hard and broke my heart a little but I have faith tonight will be easier and by next month I can do it without thinking twice. And at least now it's just me having a hard time transitioning. I think if she was having a fit about it I would totally not be able to do it. It's hard enough as it is!!

They grow up so fast.