I feel like in the past month Lila has become an entirely different baby. For one thing she is mobile. Last month she was shimmying in her wounded army crawl, but now she is full on ALL OVER THE PLACE. She just doesn't stay still for a second! Now that she's got her independence she's just seemed to blossom. Watch out world, Lila's on the move! She's also started solids this past month and that's a big milestone. No longer is my milk the only thing sustaining her, but at 6:30 pm every night she gets to play around with different tastes and textures (or once a week she gets a new taste and texture). So far she's eaten Sweet Potatoes, Rice Cereal, Apples and Oatmeal Cereal. Next weeks she gets Butternut Squash and the week after is Avocado! My freezer is full of food ice cubes I've pureed! She's gotten earrings and professional photos as well. So much!!
Weight: 16 1/2 lbs
Height: IDK
Head Size: IDK
Milestones: Pulls up on furniture and legs and walls and any surface she can find, cruises, balances with only 1 hand holding on, sits up on knees and balances on own, crawls on knees, crawls on one knee and one foot, eats 4 type of solid foods one time a day, earrings (not a technical milestone, but I care, lol), she still wakes up once (or twice) at night for a bottle (ugh), she is babbling a LOT more with definite sounds and syllables but none that actually mean anything (I have heard 'mama' and 'baba' and 'dada' but Jason and I both agree that they were random and not with purpose). I fully expect her to be walking in the next month or two :(
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