A year after I got married, my husband and I bought a house! The pressures of being away for weeks at a time was getting to be a little too much to handle, so at my husband's gentle urging and a lot of soul searching I made the decision to become a Housewife. Where once my life consisted of the art of packing for 9 days without knowing the location or weather in a small carry-on bag, it now consisted of the art of learning how to cycle the household chores to avoid them piling up on top of me, as well as starring in my own personal FoodNetwork show in my head. My husband has a pretty demanding job, so trying to keep a balanced house was completely in my hands and I have (slowly, with many stumbles) begun to rise to the herculean task.
My husband, Jason, and I met in our AP English class when we were 17. I was immediately attracted to him and just knew from the second I walked in that classroom that he was it. The one. About three months after we met, when we were both barely 18, he finally realized that I was the one too. He came to see me play Juliet at my High School performance of Romeo and Juliet, then took me out and asked me to be his girlfriend on 12/14/02. I, of course, accepted. We spent 2 years at different colleges seeing each other once a month before I transferred to UCF to be with him. After a year of being in the same city, Jason moved in with my sister and I in our off campus house. Six months of that and Jason proposed to me at the firework show at Magic Kingdom on 12/14/06. Six months later we got our own apartment. 2 years after getting engaged Jason finished his Master's Program at UCF and we were married on 3/21/09 in Boynton Beach! We've been together for going on 9 years now and I know he's my soulmate.
Jason and I have been blessed with the two most perfect cats that have ever existed. No, I know everyone says this, but in our case it's true. Seriously. Shush, it is. Daisy Belle, the calico, we got when we moved into our first apartment in 2007. We spent the day looking at adoption events around Orlando and got lost looking for our next place. So we pulled into a Petco that was also having an adoption event for rescue cats and I just saw that little spotted face from across the store and knew she was mine. Daisy is a sweet cat. She doesn't like to be picked up, but she will jump up beside you and curl up on you and demand to be pet and loved. She also has an obsession from drinking from the sink. A year later, when we moved into a bigger apartment, Jason and I decided Daisy Belle needed a sister. We adopted Sweet Pea in 2008. We went to the local Petsmart when they were holding an adoption event and Sweet Pea was the first and only kitten we held. She was a perfect. An orange tabby (which I have a soft spot in my heart for) who was playful and spirited. Sweet Pea is malliable and you can pick her up and cuddle her to your hearts content. Sweet Pea likes to suck on her front paws for comfort, and when she wants something she will demand it with loud and fervent meowing.
But cat children can only go so far. In November of '09 Jason and I decided that, even though we'd only been married for a short while, we'd been together and were very stable. We had a house being finished in March. Our life was good. So if we happened to get pregnant? That would be good too. It was decided that if I did get pregnant I'd quit flying and focus on being a mom. But I didn't get pregnant. In May '10 I decided to quit anyways, even though I wasn't pregnant, and in June '10 we decided firmly that we really wanted this - beyond the 'if it happens, it happens' mentality. I started keeping track of my cycle and when that didn't work I began taking digital ovulation predictor tests. That didn't work either and by January '11 I was beyond frustrated. So I called a Fertility clinic and Jason and I began going in the beginning of March. After some questions and an initial ultrasound it was suspected I had Endometriosis, which was keeping me from conceiving. Both Jason and I underwent several tests and after a rather uncomfortable HSG procedure my doctor was positive that's what I had. He told me to call once I got my period and we'd set up a surgery date. Jason and I decided not to try getting pregnant that cycle. Mostly because it was stressful, but also because I wanted to be able to enjoy my cousin's bachelorette party/wedding which was around my usual "stop drinking and start being paranoid" part of my cycle. When we got home I had a week before I started waiting for my period - due on May 1. It didn't come. It didn't come the next few days either. I wasn't paranoid since 1) I had been late before 2) We hadn't tried 3) I likely wasn't getting pregnant without surgery. But when i took that pregnancy test on 5/4/11 just to stop me from being paranoid, I was shocked to see a positive.
And that's where we are at this blog! I am pregnant with our first long awaited child and I wanted to document the way my life is and is about to change completely. Join me if you wish ♥