My baby turned half a year old at 10:56pm. How did this happen? Wasn't it a minute ago I was holding a newborn and crying that she was safe in my arms? A day ago that I was feeling her kick? A week ago that I saw those two lines? Now she is 6 months old, halfway to a year, and she's becoming her own person with her own personality and I'm trying to keep the world from turning so I can have just one more second of her curled up sleeping in my arms before she decides she's too big for that anymore.
Weight: IDK, we visit the Dr next week when we get home.
Height: ^
Head: ^
Milestones: Army crawling at the speed of light or close to it without being hindered by silly things like pillows or walls, pushes self to a sitting position from belly, cut first tooth, gives "kisses" (aka, she opens her mouth wide and face plants onto my face) when I ask for kissies and pucker my lips. She's also pretty steady at sitting up and can stay that way for quite awhile. She still loves to stand and has gotten more persistent with trying to reach things to pull herself up on and can do it very easily if you give her your fingers to hold onto. Grasping objects and pulling them towards her are old hat. She's doing a lot of baby babble but no 'dada' or 'mama' yet (when she is hysterical I sometimes think I hear 'mama' but I refuse to believe that's real), though she says 'I-ya' a lot which might be her name? IDK, she knows her name since she turns when she hears it and we say it all the freaking time so it could be. She's very independent though and doesn't want to be held and cuddled (SAD FACE INSERTED HERE) but just wants to crawl and explore on her own. I'm proud and heartbroken. I'm sure those two feelings will just increase with time.
She's too precious. I am still over the moon for you guys. :)