Yesterday, Father's Day, Lila became a 5 month old. 5 months!! That's almost half a year already. This is madness.
Weight: 14 lbs 8 oz
Height: I don't know, no pediatrician visit this month.
Head: Same as above
Milestones: Can now sit up unsupported without bracing herself for a several minutes (about 10-15 if she is playing with something). Crawls backwards short distance. Crawls very very short distances forward. Holds feet constantly (especially for diaper changes, she's helpful that way). Separation anxiety (she will sometimes scream when other people who aren't Jason and I talk to her or try to hold her). Recognizes her name. "Kisses" people.
She's done things like bracing feet, standing while holding onto an object, dragging objects towards her, mouthing objects and her own hands, passing objects from hand to hand, etc for a few months now. I am preparing myself for her to start crawling for real this month and it's such a scary possibility.
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