Sunday, May 15, 2011

5 wks (6ds)

Hey look! It's a 5 week entry 6 days late. But the POINT is that I am writing a 5wk 6dy entry! I woke up and there was no bleeding! It had tapered off through the day and by the time I went to bed it had been really light. Thank God! I don't think I have ever prayed so much in my life. Mom told me this is only the beginning of the worry this baby will put me through when it's older. I'm totally okay with that, because it means this baby will actually BE here for me to worry over! I've been ordered to stay off my feet again today and to avoid any lifting, bending or straining. This means poor Jason has to do my chores on top of his and work and I feel bad about that since he's already stressed out enough as it is. But he told me to stop apologizing. I'll have to figure out what chores I can do and what I need him to help with.

In non-terrifying news: I'm +2 lbs. I'm still not nauseous! I pee like every hour which is incredibly annoying, and my boobs hurt. I have the boring yet delicious craving of ice cream. OMG, I could live on ice cream these days. I am pretty sure my ice cream cravings are due to my lack of calcium. I hate milk. Hate hate HATE it. It doesn't help that milk disagrees with me most of the time too. But I hate the taste and I hate the smell (yes it has a smell dammit). I adore soymilk, but if I have it more than once a week I break out in hives. So I don't have a lot of dairy. I do love cheese! But I don't mind ice cream cravings. I also had a bout of time where I needed chicken wings. Shush I'm serious. Sweet wings, not spicy. Jason made me a ton of honey garlic chicken wings last week and I was a very happy girl.

This week Bebe is (was?) the size of an appleseed! It's starting to develop all its little organs and will soon look like a tadpole (if it doesn't already - I'm late, I know). This little baby is a fighter already, I can tell. I mean it managed to implant when no other egg before it had and even though my body is like, trying not to be pregnant this little bugger isn't letting go. I appreciate it. And I'm praying it keeps that stamina for the next eight months.

Good lord, I have only known I was pregnant for a week and 2 days. IDK how I'm going to handle the next 35 weeks if they're all this dramatic.

1 comment:

  1. I'm soooooo happy to see this entry!!!!! I'm officially on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy and feel the same way about Aaron having to do all the chores as well as work. :( Luckily we have good husbands, huh?

    I'm soooo excited! Bebe is a fighter and awesome and adorable already, even as a little appleseed!!!
