Look! I'm making progress on posting on time! I think this deserves epic celebrations. The 7th week has ushered in a whole host of pregnancy related complaints. Monday was exhaustion such as I have never had before (likely brought on by way way overexerting myself on Sunday) and I spent the entire day half awake on the couch watching mindless tv and dozing in and out of sleep. But that was nothing compared to Tuesday. The leg cramps! Oh lord. They laid me out all day on Tuesday. Just walking was painful so I waddled whenever I moved. And that wasn't all. My neck, my back, my
boobs! Good lord did Tuesday make me miss my prescription strength ibuprofen. One site I read said the leg cramps could be due to low potassium, which is a real possibility since just the idea of any sort of fish makes me shudder and bananas and I are only friendly when they are baked in bread. I did, however, possess some dried apricots! Which are very high in potassium! The good news? No sign of leg cramps. The bad news? The worries of constipation began to seem like laughable concerns around midnight and into this afternoon. Oh dried fruit. I believe I have no more use for you. I even started to get a bit of nausea. Monday night had me sitting near the toilet wanting to be sick and not. But I am relatively sure that was the result of taking my prenatal without having eaten and then taking my progesterone (which is known to exacerbate symptoms). I felt a lot better after shoving some pretzels down my throat through. I already took my prenatal tonight so we'll see if I get nauseous tonight. THEN we'll know for sure!
On to baby updates! What's awesome is that Bebe's little hands and feet have started to form from those flipper buds! The only thing getting smaller is Bebe's tail which will become the bottom of it's tail bone, because Bebe has doubled in size from a 1/4 in. to a 1/2 in. and is now the size of a blueberry! This is fun because I LOVE blueberries and have celebrated by eating leftover blueberry pancakes Jason made me this weekend for the past few days. Blueberries for my little blueberry. Bebe's eyes already have a little color, and there are eyelid folds partially covering them. Bebe even has a nose tip and tiny veins beneath very thin skin. There's a liver, a pancreas and an appendix too! It's fascinating. I now have 2 of those organs in my body. The other set is just absurdly small.
In less than a day and a half and I will see my baby for the FIRST TIME! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!! Excited and anxious and terrified and every other emotion under the sun. It's all I can think about and talk about and oh my god. I am just so ready to see that little blueberry moving and hear that racing heartbeat.
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