Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So I've found it uncomfortable to lay on my right side for a couple weeks now. That's not new. What's new is this morning it was down right hurting to lay on my right side. And then today every time I would stand up to get a drink or use the bathroom I started getting this sharp pain in my right side and it only dissipated when I sat down. After Saturday's scare I'm, naturally, really really jumpy about anything that doesn't feel right. Or normal. And this didn't. I mean, it shouldn't hurt every time I move right?

So I called my Doctor at around 11:30am and left a message for the nurse who finally called me back at 4pm and said it was just a cyst on my overay that was nourishing my baby and apparently it sometimes causes discomfort. And I tried to stress that it was slightly more than discomfort but she was just all "We'll see you for your scheduled ultrasound" and I just wanted to be all "Bitch, I'm not trying to get an early ultrasound, I'm paranoid that something is wrong!" but I didn't because I feel like I'd quickly get blacklisted if I did.

It is probably just this damn cyst thing or whatever. But I'm tired of sitting on the couch and I really want to make pie. Or brownies. I want to make brownies. And I want to make them without being in pain or worrying that my baby is going to fall out.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you were in South Florida or I was still up there! We could be bedrest/couch-laying buddies together. If it's any consolation, I was unable to lay on my right side from when I was about 5-6 weeks along, too. I had a ton of cramping and shooting pain on my right side which my OB said was just my uterus expanding and sometimes it's felt more on the right side. (I was convinced something horrific was happening and scheduled an emergency appointment...yes, neurotic.)
