Monday, October 31, 2011

And I love you, I love you, I love you like never before

So Saturday Jason and I went to 4D Picture Perfect with our parents and 2 of my sisters to see our little Bebe. I was super excited/nervous about this! Excited because, well, obviously. I wanted to see my baby! I hadn't seen her in NINE WEEKS and I was dying to see her move. Nervous because I really needed her to move and give us some pictures since I wouldn't be able to come back to redo the ultrasound. I'd been drinking a gallon of water to help my amniotic fluid be clear for the past 5 days, I didn't eat at all before the scan, and I brought my container of OJ to drink in case she was uncooperative (despite the inevitable Reflux it would give me). I even had Jason load up the song that never fails to get her moving when it comes on my play list: "Under the Sea." I was ready as ever!

giving us some smiles

The people at 4D Picture Perfect were absolutely lovely, and if you're having a baby in the South Florida area I highly recommend them! We all went in and gathered around various flat screen televisions set up to display my uterus to my family and I got up on the bed area and bam! There was my little girl! Right away we could see she was still a girl, so that's 3 for 3! Then we saw her heart beat (143bpm) and that made me happy. The tech informed me that her back was to us and she was in a Transverse Lie position. This means Bebe is lying sideways across me with her head on my right and her butt at my left. Probably explains why I can still button (some) of my jeans! Anyways, she said Bebe looked like she was trying to move head down, but I'm going to ask my Dr about it anyways.

Cheeks, lips, nose, ears. And see those little sideburns? Those are mine exactly

So I drank some OJ and laid on my side and Bebe shifted a bit and gave us a profile shot! She's so beautiful!!! The first thing the tech said was that she had a full head of hair! Which made me feel so justified in this awful Reflux I've been having, let me tell you. Then we saw big round cheeks, full lips (that my sister called 'Shiloh lips'), and an upturned nose! She was still being a little stubborn, so Jason held his iPhone to my stomach and played "Under the Sea." You think it's silly that a fetus can have a favorite song? It's not silly. As soon as it started you could see her moving her arms to it! I even felt her kick a bit too! It was such a riot and we were all laughing about it. I moved around a bit and we got to see Bebe stick her whole hand in her mouth. Considering we saw her sucking her thumb at 11 weeks, I guess she's got a bit of an oral fixation! She kept sucking on her fingers throughout the session. Hopefully this means she won't have too much trouble latching when she's born.

Sucking on her fingers!

At the end Bebe decided she was done and rolled over to show us her back and that was the end of that! We got some pictures, a CD of more pictures and a dvd of the ultrasound! Afterwards we all went out for breakfast and exclaimed over how cool the whole thing was. I always feel so relieved after I see her and can know that she's okay and happy and safe in there. Now if only she'd turn, because she's getting a little big to be laying like she is. Kinda makes my stomach and lungs and ribs feel a bit out of place!

Bebe's ultrasound, for those who have a lot of time on their hands, haha!

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