So I'm 39 weeks. Still pregnant. I was really hoping that I'd have her today, since it's my Grandma's (her Great-Grandma) birthday today and it would have been really really special for them to share that. But alas! I don't think that's going to happen unless labor starts like, right now. I had my 39wk Dr's appt yesterday and it went alright. I lost 2 lbs from the Christmas gain and am now +26 lbs., which is excellent. Measuring 37cm., FHR is in the 130's. But I haven't made any cervical progress since 2 weeks ago. About 50% effaced (not 60), she's now in a -2 station instead of a -1. The only upward movement was that the Dr was able to manually move me from 1cm to 2cm (and in the process my mom is relatively sure she stripped my membranes). But I still feel like all these contractions and all this effort I've been doing this past week (if there's a way to try and induce labor I've tried it - excluding EPO and Castor Oil) have been for naught because just NOTHING. UGH. It's so frustrating. Last night I was having slightly stronger contractions from the rest of the week (save Friday) but very irregular. So I had about 3 mugs of Raspberry Leaf tea and walked the block twice with my wonderful Mother-in-Law who braved the cold with me. I was super crampy around 11-midnight (likely from my cervical check/membrane strip) and at 2:30am I started having a constant pressure in my pelvic area that felt like I was about to get my period. Not painful, just uncomfortable. This morning I'm having some contractions about 7-9 min apart, but I don't think they're super powerful. They make me stop and catch my breath, yeah, but nothing that makes me want to cry.
It's been a weird week, because most of this week I was actually hoping Bebe WOULDN'T come. Jason came down with the ear infection from HELL. The whole thing is swollen up and it's really affecting the nerve in his ear which causes a pain like someone twisting a knife in his ear. He saw an urgent care specialist who gave him antibiotics, drops and pain meds but after 2 days they weren't helping and he was feeling worse so his mom came up to help us out. Basically, he needed to be on those meds and if I went into labor? We'd be a little screwed, lol! So she drove us to all our Dr's appts yesterday, starting with Jason's ENT appt. The ENT Dr gave Jason stronger antibiotics, vicodin, and better ear drops (since the other drops actually made his ear swell MORE) and I can DEFINITELY tell there's a difference in him with the new meds. Today he has an appt with a new Dr he's trying out for a regular Dr and will hopefully get his TDAP vaccine! Also hopefully he keeps continuing to feel better because I really really want this baby out and I want him to not be in pain as well during it. Oh, and also because I love him and hate when he's hurting.
As for Bebe! She's 39 wks too. She's about 20 inches and weighs a little over 7 lbs (about the size of a mini-watermelon. OH JOY). She's still building up fat, and her brain is developing so at this rate she's going to be a genius. Her outer skin is starting to slough off to make room for new skin, and she's swallowing all of that stuff too. Hope you enjoy changing that diaper, Jason!
Sounds like Jason is having sympathy pains. He's just confused about where they're supposed to come from. ;-)