((Note: I wrote most of this entry Monday, and just finished it today, hence the 4ds and not 6ds))
This week is so so so much better than last week, health wise. The cold is gone and although my nose is stuffy I'm told that pregnancy and stuffy noses go hand in hand and it'll probably be stuffy for a few weeks yet, even though I'm not sick anymore. And good thing too because it's been a busy week!! Wednesday was my pre-natal breastfeeding class which I am so glad I took. We learned about proper positioning and things and I learned that if I were nursing a preemie sized stuffed lamb I would have awesome technique, lol. So lets hope that I don't forget it all when I have a normal sized newborn to nurse. On Friday I got to meet my friend's beautiful new baby! He's so tiny and adorable, omg. Bebe did not like me holding him though and spent the whole time I was holding him trying to push him off of me with her feet. I'm beginning to think that it's a really good thing I have no intentions of making her an only child because these early signs are not so promising to her ability to share! This weekend Jason and I got Christmas lights for the roof and also picked up a bookshelf for Bebe's room! Jason built it for me and anchored it into the wall and I was able to put in all her books she got at my shower and her toys as well. Nursery is definitely almost ready for reveal!! Jason just has to paint her curtain rod and her shelf and hang them (as well as some other wall art) and I can finally show it off! Finally, today Jason and I are going to EPCOT to see Neil Patrick Harris narrate the Candlelight Processional. We got the dinner package so we could get guaranteed seating and have reservations in Morocco! I'm so excited, since Jason and I LOVE NPH and are so excited to get to see him in person! ((Post Note: the concert was awesome! being pregnant got us better seats since the guy directing the confirmed seats was like "oh there's some seats up here!" and it was awesome. We could see NPH singing along with the choir. Plus, he was hilarious. We even stayed after for the firework show since we got to go in the reserved area for it. Definitely a nice way to belatedly celebrate our birthdays)).
As I said, I feel much better health wise this week. But so so uncomfortable pregnancy wise. Bebe should apparently be calming down her movements as she runs out of room but, HAHAHA, that's a joke. She's still rolling and jabbing and kicking and being a general basket of energy ((Post Note: at 6ds this still hasn't changed, and my stomach looks like a cat playing under a blanket right now)). I've also been getting terrible "lightning pains" as her head or something bumps against my pelvis and makes me gasp in sudden pain whenever I stand up, or walk, or stand still, or sit still, or whenever it randomly wants to assault me with it's quick jab of sudden hot poker like pain. Fortunately it lasts for like, a second. But it's almost knocked me over twice already ((Post Note: This has slowed down, I think Sunday was just a particularly bad day for it)). I've also been getting Braxton Hicks very very often. At least nightly. The other night I was starting to get worried because it was coming every 6 minutes but when i got up and had some water and walked around they completely vanished. Which, thankfully, because as uncomfortable as I am she needs another few weeks in there. And I am uncomfortable. Sitting is uncomfortable, laying down is uncomfortable, moving is uncomfortable. But, even with all of the above, I'm still loving being pregnant. I love feeling her imitate River Dance against my ribs and knowing she's just as eager to get out and see me as I am to see her. But I'm going to miss knowing that she's safe and healthy and happy inside me. That no matter how much I worry about her now, it'll be multiplied by infinity once she's out.
And she'll be out in around 5 weeks! Bebe is now 35 weeks and weighs as much as your average Honeydew melon (honeydew you want to marry me?), which is about 5 1/4 lbs. Length wise she's grown to over 18 inches. So no wonder she and I are so uncomfortable! Her kidneys are now fully developed and her liver can now process some waste products, which will certainly keep her mommy and daddy busy when she's born! Excitingly, most of her basic physical development is now complete and these next few weeks are going to be spent with her gaining weight and brain development! I can't believe she's already formed so completely already, and that even if she were to decide to be born now she'd likely be fine. It's so surreal!
This is about your little girlie disliking you holding a boy (in case you haven't heard this)--When we still didn't know what Tara (my sister) was having, and I was reading a bunch of Old Wives Tales for the gender reveal party...there's this one (and it's common around the world too!) if you're holding a boy, and the little one inside of you goes crazy...it's a girl! And vice versa! They're calmer with their own sex. She's just full of excitement for boys already :)