Let's see how fast I can write this! I'm sorry I'm so late. I had company and I lost my dress for a few days and finally found that it had fallen behind a suitcase and oh my God was that a headache. Speaking of headaches, I haven't had those. BUT. I have had like everything else this past week. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux. It's been fun. Lots of fun. Especially when I got bad indigestion cramps and called my mom to make sure that's really what it was and not something really bad. Nope. Just my body deciding it wanted to give me some fun new symptoms. I still have backaches but a nice body temperature bath or shower and it feels a lot better. I've also gotten this awful roll of exhaustion this past week and I just want to curl up and sleep for a year some days. Yeah yeah, this will all get multiplied by about a billion in the coming months I know. Sigh. I also made an appointment for our 3D ultrasound in Ft. Lauderdale for October 29! I'll be 29 weeks and the girl said it was the perfect time when I told her that so I am excited and HOPING Bebe cooperates. I also made plans with Lindsay (
You Are The Roots) who has done all of Jason's and my important photos (engagement, wedding) to do our Maternity photos on Sunday the 30th. I am so excited you don't even know. I just want to go shopping now even though I know I need to wait a little longer so that I buy clothes that will, you know, fit me. Also really exciting was this weekend when Jason's parents were visiting we got our
crib and dresser set (not in white, it's in cinnamon)!! But yes, lots of things this week.
Baby shower also has a date! Nov. 12th! And I'm going to have to start compiling invitation lists. Fuuuun. But!
Question for all you moms - and you can answer here or FB or e-mail me, whatever!
1. What is one item you registered for that has proven invaluable?
2. What items did you register for that have proved a waste of money?
3. If you could go back and register differently, what items would you make sure you put on the list>
Bebe is now 3/4 of a lb. and 10.5" and is as long as a banana! But Katie, 10.5" inches is a huge jump from 6.5" inches! How big did she grow?! Not that big. But at 21 weeks measurement changes. She is now being measured from crown to foot instead of crown to rump. Fun huh? So yes, she is a banana now and she is super active. Tonight Jason even remarked that he felt the best kicks yet (and she was super active tonight - I guess she really liked my chicken tender sub from Publix!!) and she has certainly been feeling stronger to me. I can tell she is laying with her head on my right side and her feet on my left and I can feel where her head is on my stomach too. It's so bizarre, but amazing. Bebe finally has eyebrows and eyelids now, although her eyes are still fused shut as she grows her eyes and won't open for another 7 weeks. We can wait. We have plenty of Disney music to listen to.
You look BEAUTIFUL! I love Bebe!
ReplyDeletePlease tell me you're going to 3D/4D Picture Perfect in Fort Lauderdale? They are AWESOME and where we had ours done. They have the cutest little girl who "works" there (it's a family place) and you'll love them. If you go back a second time, they give you a coupon so the 2nd session is only $20. If we're talking about the same place, of course. I loved them.
Also, I'm so excited for your pictures! They're going to be fabulous, I promise! You guys have always been some of my favorite photo subjects because of how happy and in love you are and, aww, throw Bebe into the mix and these will be the best yet!
1. The Rock & Play Sleeper. I wasn't originally registered for one because I spent $500 on a bassinet from Europe (kill me now) but everyone and their mother nagged me into oblivion to get one because it's a "lifesaver." I didn't understand it's purpose. As it turned out, Ethan had reflux and couldn't sleep in the bassinet (the mattress was unable to be propped up) so now it's a $500 laundry hamper in our closet and he has spent every night of his life in the Rock & Play. In addition to it being a cozy place to sleep, it has been so valuable to me while I try to get cleaning or whatever done during naps. It's so lightweight that I just push him around in it to wherever I am and when he's awake, he loves to sit in it and look at books. I do read to him on my lap, but it's nice to hold the books out in front of him and actually WATCH his eyes scan the pages. I am in LOVE with the Rock & Play Sleeper. It's Ethan's favorite place to play and sleep! :)
I'll also say the Ergo baby carrier. Everyone convinced me to get one. Aaron wanted his Baby Bjorn but I heard the Ergo was better for short women because it distributed the weight more evenly and didn't cripple you like the Baby Bjorn can potentially do. For a while Ethan only napped in the Ergo. He LOVES it. We grocery shop in it, etc., and my back NEVER hurts. We love our Baby Bjorn, too, but even Aaron said it hurts his back after a while. I think they're both worth getting, though, since they really are so different. The Ergo comes with a newborn insert so it's helpful during those early days.
2. The Mama Roo. Everyone was all, "oh, it's better than a swing! Look how cool!" and Ethan screams if he even looks at it. It just sits here, miserable. My friend put her almost 2 year old on it and he screamed bloody murder, too, so I'm guessing it just sucks. Of course, now everyone is coming out of the woodwork saying they hate theirs, too. *facepalm*
3. We weren't registered for it but my friend bought one for us: the Itzbeen timer. I always said anyone who couldn't remember what time they fed their baby was a moron...and then I had one. Those first few weeks were rough. If you're breastfeeding, it has a timer for left or right side. It was a great way to remember when we changed baby, when baby ate, when I needed to take my pain meds, how long he slept...that thing saved our exhausted lives for REAL.
Also my friend told me to add Little Tummy's gas drops and gripe water to my registry and I thought it was stupid so I didn't. Our first night home, off went Aaron for both of them. Gripe Water helps with Ethan's hiccups (it's all natural, but Publix has it, too) and his colic when he was a colic-y newborn. The gas drops instantly help his gas now that he's a gassy baby.
1. I had registered for a Graco Travel System (the stroller and carrier) and I still use the stroller today, so I guess that could be invaluable. The other thing I LOVED was Jay's baby monitor-it was a Summer video monitor and it definitely put me at ease (especially when he started sleeping through the night in his own crib at 6 weeks!)
ReplyDelete2. As for the waste of money, I went (literally) with the necessities since I knew I wouldn't have a big baby shower. OH!!!! DO NOT BUY A DIAPER GENIE!!!! They are horrible and stink and it's really gross. The bags are scented, but it doesn't help when you have to empty the container-think of an overpowering baby powder smell mixed with probably a week's worth of soiled diapers. Actually, pretty sure you said you were doing cloth diapers, so just disregard that last one. :)
3. If I could go back I would definitely register for one of those glider chairs. I didn't have one (I had a rocking chair of sorts that we had already had) and it was hard for me to stand in his room and calm him by rocking him when I was half asleep. That and Mylicon- it was a life saver for Jay who tended to get REALLY gassy even if I burped him a lot (it's an anti-gas med that you can give at every feeding).