I never claimed to be good with deadlines, all right? I am pretty sure my problem isn't actually writing these blogs (which I can do fairly fast) but in taking pictures. Oh my goodness do I avoid doing it! Maybe it won't be as bad when I get my iPhone (oh my God, I've been waiting like 3 years for an iPhone people) and can take my picture when I like and not be dependent on Jason coming home with his phone. BUT I DIGRESS. I am 24 weeks. Yay me! Odds of Bebe surviving outside of me are now up to 50% which is a lot better than 30%! As for me I am still starving and I still want cake and sweets (I made Monkey bread at 1am last night) which is going to make the week before my glucose test next month when I cut out sugar SO MUCH FUN. That's sarcasm. I did have my 24 week appointment on Friday and everything was great! I measured right on track and I am +13 lbs from my starting weight. Her heartbeat was high 130's - low 140's. My blood pressure was perfect. Everything is going great! As for her, she's moving around like an insane person and I feel her all the time. I still have bad acid reflux though, which isn't fun at all, but I'm crossing my fingers and going "hair hair hair hair."
Bebe! Bebe is 24 weeks and she's now just over 1lb. and 12" making her the size of a Subway $5 Foot Long. Or an ear of corn. Whatever you're into. My uterus has now grown to the size of a soccer ball. Her brain is developing even more and so is her tastebuds, meaning she's really enjoying that monkey bread flavored amniotic fluid. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help her air sacs inflate once she hits the outside world. Right now she's still thin and lean and her skin is translucent but in the next few weeks that's going to improve!
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