Thursday, July 7, 2011

13 wks

Guys guys guys guys guys guys! I'm out of my first trimester. At least I think I am. One website (BabyCenter) says Second Trimester is AFTER the thirteenth week so I wouldn't be there until next week but I don't CARE because I want it to be here now so I will listen to the majority and say it is today! And what a beautiful day it is too. I spent it on a boat reading my Kindle while Jason fished. Only to realize that pregnancy does not make me an effective fishing partner because even though the fish barely met the length limit he was debating letting it go because it wouldn't be a lot of meat (and he caught 3 the day prior) and I was all doe eyed and "Please! Honey you have to let him go you HAVE to!" And this isn't just because the idea of eating fish still makes me a little green around the gills, I just got really really upset at the idea of killing it. So he let it go and I was happy. But don't judge me too harshly! I kept my mouth shut the night he caught three with me on the boat. I only speak up for the small ones. Since those are the only ones he's bound to listen to me for, lol. Aside from fishing I've had a really nice vacation and Jason's taking me out to dinner tonight to boot so we can celebrate!

Ah, 13 weeks. Such a longed for number, and yet I feel very little has actually changed. I pee more now than ever even though I'm being assured that should slow a bit. I'm not nauseous at all anymore, though I wasn't that nauseous to begin with. I do have a bit more energy during the day, but come dinner time I am beat and just want to curl up and doze. And food? I'm still not that interested. I'll force myself to find something to eat just because I need to and I'm hungry but I don't actually want anything, and the things that don't sound absolutely revolting are few and far between. Poor Jason just wants to be able to cook for me and feed me and keep me healthy and nourished and I am making it virtually impossible by not wanting a thing (though I did ask for buttermilk pancakes yesterday morning and got them!) but he's hanging in there valiantly.

As for Bebe! At thirteen weeks s/he's about 3 in. long, weighs about an ounce, and is roughly the size of a peach! Oh what a peach, my Bebe. The best thing about this week (aside from it being the milestone marker for a significant decrease in my chances of the M word) is that Bebe has FINGERPRINTS. Those tiny little digits have those markings that are individual just to her/him that will be an identifier for life. Also, if Bebe is a girl, the ovaries are now stocked with more than 2 million eggs. Meaning if Bebe is a girl I am carrying my future grandchild in the womb of my womb. Talk about crazy. Bebe's body is growing as well, in order for it to catch up with the head, and now the head is only 1/3 of Bebe's size instead of half. Skin is still completely translucent and veins and intestines are clearly visible beneath it. It's amazing that this all started out as a microscopic bunch of rapidly dividing cells and now it's something moving and wriggling and thumb sucking. I really can't wait for another 3 weeks and 2 days until I can see Bebe again and find out if I can say he or she. Votes are pretty much in a deadlock between family of the baby's gender so it'll be pretty fun to figure out whose intuition was right!

1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing GIRL!

    Either way, so excited for Ethan to have a playmate! :)

    Yay for 13 weeks! TOTALLY count it as 2nd trimester, damn it!
