Last week was also a whirlwind of a week! While my husband was on a work trip, I got to stay at my Mom's house for the week! I love being able to visit with my family since we're hours away from them usually and I miss them so much. Saturday I went to a housewarming party at K's new place, which is gorgeous, and got to tell a couple more of my cousin's about Bebe! Then Sunday I went to Lindsay's absolutely adorable Baby Shower! It was so cute and I had such a good time and then I had the worst bought of nausea yet in this pregnancy. I tried to ignore it for a bit then my mom (who was also invited) took one look at me and went "You look awful. I'm taking you home." It sucks having the nausea but it happens so rarely these days that every time there is just this breath of relief. Like "good, my hormones are working, this is a good thing." And, considering how relieved my Doctor was to hear that I had a little bit of nausea last week (taking any as a positive sign), I have been grateful each and every time the bouts have come - even if I don't feel like being grateful! Monday was a day to relax, and then Tuesday my youngest sister, M, and I went to K's classroom to help her organize. Her students - first graders - were adorable and one of the little boys asked me if I was really pregnant and when I said yes inquired to where the baby was. Then later that night we got to see a movie with my dad! Wednesday was the most exciting day, as M and I went shopping and were joined by my Mom who helped me find a ton of Maternity clothes. Yes, I know I'm only 9 weeks, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to button or zip my jeans - I swear. So I got a belly band so I could at least USE my jeans as well as some new bras (because I'm falling out of mine), a pair of capris and a pair of shorts, some tank tops, a t-shirt, a nice shirt, a dress, and a bathing suit! It's probably one of the few times that I've truly felt pregnant. Sometimes it just doesn't seem real yet. I was also surprised by Mom buying me this ADORABLE baby outfit with little sheep all over it - since I have been obsessed with lamb themes since early in my pregnancy. K also got me a cute little blanket as well. Bebe's first gifts!! Then Thursday I got to tell another of my friends about Bebe when we met up for cheesecake and then Friday I left! It was busy but that's what was so much fun!
However, now I'm home, and sick, and most important thing of all: Bebe is 9 weeks! This makes Bebe the size of a green olive, or, if you really want a fruit, a large grape. That's an inch long which means Bebe has doubled in size from last week and will continue on in this rapid growth. Baby has been busy this week! All the important body parts are there, but they'll be molded out to look a bit more polished in the next few months. That rapidly beating heart has divided into four chambers and the valves have started to form. Teeth that will be keeping both Bebe and I awake at night are forming beneath those tiny gums they will push through. Boy or girl? It's not distinguishable yet, but the tell tale organs are already there! The eyes are also fully formed, but eyelids are fused shut over them and they won't open for another 18 weeks. Organs, muscles and nerves are all starting to kick into gear - and the mouth, nose, nostrils and earlobes are becoming more distinct. Finally the placenta is becoming more formed and should begin taking over essential hormone production. This is the most exciting to me! Why? Because in another 3 weeks I can stop taking that progesterone 3 times a day!! But at least I don't have to swallow those pills. Before pregnancy I was a champion at taking pills. I could swallow three advil without a problem. Now it's all I can do to swallow one tiny tylenol. And my giant horsepill known as prenatal? Oh forget it. Just looking at it makes me gag. I was suffering through it until I discovered my new best friend in the WORLD: Prenatal GUMMIES. YES GUMMIES. They smell horrendous, but they taste like candy and it makes me happy. I take two for my daily dose and chew them right up and it's goodbye pills and hello easy street. I don't know how I lived without them. Aside from not being able to swallow pills, I'm finding my list of food aversions to be far vaster than my cravings. If I could live on yogurt, clementines, ice cream and toast? I would be thrilled. Alas, I cannot, and I frequently am making myself eat nutritious things that make me want to gag. All for you Bebe. All. For. You. I'm also bloating like crazy! My mom called it a baby bump and I wanted to cry because it's not. It's just my tedious digestive system making me look fat. My boobs are absurd and hurt all the time. My face - which was clearing up - has now gotten worse and I feel like a middle schooler. Oh the joys! But as frustrating as it can be, I've never been happier. You know. Aside from the fear and paranoia bit that's keeping me on modified rest. But besides that? Totally cloud 9.

For starters, how the heck did I not know about gummy prenatals?!?!?!?! I've been choking down horse pills for months!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I got to see you and your mom!!!!!! It was so nice to see you guys!!!
It feels weird saying "hooray for nausea!" but I'm so excited you're nauseous, haha. You know what I mean!
The Belly Band is a LIFESAVER, seriously! Yay, yay, yay, I'm so excited for you guys! Bebe's first gifts! HOW CUTE!!!!!