As for Bebe, it is currently the size of a raspberry! Which is much better than a kidney bean as was suggested on another site. I much prefer fruit. Anyways, Bebe has webbed fingers and toes right now! That's super exciting because before they were just arm buds. The tail is almost completely gone, and there are breathing tubes extending from the throat to the branches of the lungs. The little brain now has nerve cells that are branching out to connect to other nerve cells. Bebe is moving and bouncing around but I can't feel a thing. I really can't wait until I can.
Today I also got to go to my new OB for the first time and he was amazing! It took forever filling out paperwork, but the Dr was really nice and we talked a bit about different options and things. It was pretty easy going. He tried to hear the heartbeat with the doppler but it was too little so he requisitioned an ultra sound machine for me even though I wasn't really scheduled for one. It was amazing! It was an external one so we didn't get the best view, but once it popped onto the screen I was just entranced. It was seriously amazing and I could just sit and stare at that little screen with that little form of my baby all day. It's a good thing those things are so expensive otherwise I'd just find a way to get one and sit and stare at it ll day and nothing would ever get done. Anyways, Bebe's heart was beating at 174bpm which is a big jump from last week! And has convinced almost everyone that Bebe is a girl.
Anyways tomorrow I am going down to visit the parentals for a whole week while Jason's on a work trip! We have a baby shower for the amazing Lindsay (You Are The Roots) on Sunday too which is even more reason to be excited! And my mom has promised me shopping so hopefully I have an entry and some pics later in the week :D

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