The u/s tech took us back to the nurses who put us in an exam room to wait for the doctor, but before the doctor came back she went and got us again. Because I'd had bleeding previously in my pregnancy she wanted to check my cervix just to make sure it was alright and there wasn't any signs of anything. So I went back with her and changed for the internal u/s. I know they're more invasive and uncomfortable, but I would not mind doing them every time if it means I can see my baby that clearly and beautifully each time. Bebe was SO CLEAR! We even got this amazing view of his/her brain! There's two hemispheresand it looked like a perfect black and white miniature model of a human brain. Jason was ecstatic over that and requested a picture of that. Leave it to my husband to be obsessed with his baby's brain (I love you honey!). Then the u/s printed us out another set of photos and we got the absolutely phenomenal one you see here to the right. A perfectly clear and detailed picture of Bebe sucking on his/her thumb! There's toes and fingers and a nose and a mouth and a tiny eye fused shut and just these tiny limbs! I have been starring at this picture for the past two days obsessively, you have no idea. I'm half convinced it's the greatest ultrasound picture to ever be taken ever - especially at this early stage. Anyways, after that u/s - where we were assured my cervix was just fine - we went back to see the doctor who answered all of our questions. Seriously, Jason pulled out his phone where we'd written all the things we wanted to ask but were worried we'd forget after seeing Bebe. The doctor told us we were the cutest couple she'd ever seen as we did this. After the doctor's appointment we ran errands until almost 5pm and then came home and did a ton of cleaning and stuff so I was so exhausted that I passed out without writing this entry on Friday. Then Saturday I went to my husband's cousin's daughter's first birthday - which was a Tinkerbell theme, so you know I was thrilled with it - and we didn't get back till late and I passed out again.
But today! I was determined to write this today! My due date was moved up one day to January 12, which makes Bebe 11 weeks 3 days and 1.6" - about the size of a small lime (if you measure it horizontal, not vertically). Bebe has been growing hair follicles and tooth buds and nail beds. Ears are almost in their normal shape and the tiny nose has even teenier nasal passages. Bones are beginning to harden too! As we saw in our ultrasound, Bebe is busy moving and kicking and stretching, even if I can't feel them. Bebe's even hiccoughing now as the little diaphragm forms, but I can't feel that either. As for me, I havebeen nauseous all week and I threw up for the first time on Friday!! Shush, I'm excited. It was barely anything and only because I was chewing up my prenatals and all of a sudden the texture had me gagging so bad the prenatals came back up. But it made me smile for a little because I felt pregnant! Also, apparently I do have a bump as my friend Lucy put this photomanip together to convince me of my 4wk and 10wk photos. Thanks Lucy. My dreams have also been insane. The other night I had a dream that I had the baby at 20wks but she (in my dream I had a girl) was the size of a full term baby and all she wanted to do was sleep. And I kept waking her up to feed and I put her back in her crib and said to Jason "I'm going to be really sad when I wake up and this is a dream." Which of course in dream world is cue for the dream to just deteriorate into the absurd and the baby started talking, walking and going to History classes with me. So, definitely a dream. Additionally: My face is absurdly broken out and the idea of meat products are completely unappetizing.
On July 7 I will be in my 2nd trimester!! This excites me so much. I want to be able to breathe. And I'm still on light activity until then so I'm excited to be able to be more active. And I'm excited to have an appetite again! Also, my next ultrasound isn't until 20wks so I've talked Jason into doing the Gender Reveal at a 3D ultrasound studio at 16 weeks because I cannot wait 9 weeks to find out if I'm having a boy or girl. Right now Jason is thinking boy, but I've been pretty convinced from the moment I found out I was pregnant that it's a girl. I don't know why. But I'd love a boy, so either way I'd be insanely excited. Speaking of ultrasounds, I'm going to leave you with some images from this weeks! Until later ♥