Monday, June 18, 2012

5 month update

Yesterday, Father's Day, Lila became a 5 month old. 5 months!! That's almost half a year already. This is madness.

Weight: 14 lbs 8 oz
Height: I don't know, no pediatrician visit this month.
Head: Same as above

Milestones: Can now sit up unsupported without bracing herself for a several minutes (about 10-15 if she is playing with something). Crawls backwards short distance. Crawls very very short distances forward. Holds feet constantly (especially for diaper changes, she's helpful that way). Separation anxiety (she will sometimes scream when other people who aren't Jason and I talk to her or try to hold her). Recognizes her name. "Kisses" people.

She's done things like bracing feet, standing while holding onto an object, dragging objects towards her, mouthing objects and her own hands, passing objects from hand to hand, etc for a few months now. I am preparing myself for her to start crawling for real this month and it's such a scary possibility.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Jason's First Dada's Day!

Today was a really important day for Jason (and Lila): Father's Day! Or, as we were calling it all day in an attempt to try and pull out that cliched first word, "Dada Day!" It didn't get Lila to conjure up her vocabulary skills, but it did make her smile pretty wide, so that's a trade off I suppose. We had a very laid back and relaxed 'Dada Day,' nothing crazy or fancy. Jason got his gift last month, actually. He's been talking about the Star Wars Blu Ray disc set since before it even came out, so I already knew I was going to get them for him. Then, on Star Wars Day (May 4th), they had the set drastically discounted and he came up to me with puppy dog eyes going "Katie... it's on sale... and it won't ever be this low again... and and and" so I said *sigh* "It was going to be your Father's Day present, but I guess we can get it early..." and it made his whole month. But I couldn't leave him with nothing to open! So I got a couple little picture frames and some photos of Lila and him to put on his desk at work. And, the best thing, I found Star Wars Cookie Cutters! So last night I made a batch of sugar cookie dough and put it in the fridge and when Lila woke me up at 6 am I fed her and began rolling, cutting and baking. Jason's been asking for sugar cookies so when he came out of the bedroom he said it smelled like Christmas and has been chowing down on edible Death Stars and other ships all day.

So as to not only eat cookies all day (even if they resemble the Millennium Falcon), Jason made an excellent pot roast with a bunch of veggies. Why didn't I make him this pot roast? Simple. He's about a billion times better at any cooking involving meat than I am and he wanted a good pot roast! We had a nice day though. Rolling around on the floor with Lila and watching her trying to figure out this crawling ridiculousness that she just can't seem to get the hang of (thank goodness) and a watching of Empire Strikes Back to finish up the day (why Empire? Simple! Because today is all about Fathers! Yes, even the Sith ones, Luke). There was a lot of "Lila... I am your father..." references and Lila eventually passed out on him and slept until I put her in her crib for the night.

So I suppose I should get sappy here? I've never had any doubt that Jason was going to be an amazing daddy. Just watching him play with the cats (as in actually get on their level and chase them on his hands and knees) and interact with other babies and children it was obvious. And he hasn't disappointed in the slightest. I couldn't have imagined or preconceived of a more perfect and wonderful father for my child(ren) than him. From the moment she was born he has been hands on and involved in her. From changing all of her meconium diapers (she had a lot of them) and even her blow outs these days. He manicures her nails and dresses her and reads her stories at bedtime and makes her entire face light up in a huge smile with just the sound of his voice. But, most importantly, I know he loves her unconditionally and would do absolutely anything for her (and me). It just makes me love him even more ever day.

Happy First 'Dada Day' of many, Jason! Lila and I are so unbelievably grateful to have you in our lives.

Lila with here present to her Daddy!

Handing daddy his Blu Rays

Blu Ray set, pictures, and cards! One from Lila and one from me

Tracing the hand of a squirmy 5 month old is very difficult, don't judge the trace, lol!! This is how Lila signed her card!

Star Wars Cookie Cutters

Sprinkled with sugar and ready to bake!

Fresh out of the oven

Close up on the four shapes.

Settling in to watch the movie.

And she's down for the count!

Lila also turned 5 months today, but I'll do her 5 month update tomorrow. Don't want to steal her daddy's thunder!